While Dr. Bradberry is known widely for his orthopedic surgeries, he also performs difficult and extensive soft tissue surgeries, many of which a lot of veterinarians are not comfortable performing. Dr. Bradberry uses the same exceptional surgical skills to handle soft tissues gently but effectively.
Soft Palate Resection and Stenotic Nares Surgery
Brachycephalic, or our “smooshed-face” breeds, such as Boston Terriers and Bulldogs, often have anatomic abnormalities which make breathing more difficult. Excessive tissue of the soft palate (the tissue that extends off the roof of the mouth toward the airway) often makes breathing noisy and difficult for these breeds, especially when excited or exerting themselves. Careful removal of this tissue provides the dog with a clearer passage for the flow of air while breathing.
These same breeds, and others, are often born with stenotic nares, or very narrowed nostrils. This narrowing makes breathing more difficult and can make the dog’s breathing very noisy. Removal of excessive tissue in the nares makes a world of difference for the patient’s ability to breathe comfortably.

Narrowed nostrils called “stenotic nares” and surgical correction by Dr. Britton Bradberry.
Cherry Eye Repair

“Cherry Eye” is the common name for prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid in dogs. This gland is responsible for producing part of the tear film to lubricate and protect the eye. Certain breeds, such as Brachycephalic (“smooshed-face”) breeds, are more prone to developing Cherry Eye. The prolapse appears as a soft swelling in the lower inner corner of the eye, and may come and go.
Dr. Bradberry is very skilled at performing the preferred surgery for this prolapse – creating a new pocket for the gland, replacing the gland in its proper position, and sewing the pocket closed with very thin suture material. We recommend that the gland never be cut off or removed as a “quick fix.” This removal decreases the tear film in the eye and can lead to chronic dry eye and severe corneal ulcers, which if serious enough, can lead to loss of the affected eye.
The anal sacs can become frequently plugged and infected in some dogs. Tumors also occasionally develop in the anal sacs. Dogs with tumors or repeated impacted anal sacs may benefit from their removal.
Some large or difficultly-positioned tumors require extra surgical experience. It is important during tumor removal that sufficient margins are acquired, meaning that a certain amount of visibly healthy tissue around the tumor is removed to ensure that all microscopic disease is excised. Dr. Bradberry’s extensive surgical skills allow for removal of adequate tissue, while still permitting proper closure of the skin.
A perineal urethrostomy, or PU, is a procedure that modifies a male cat’s urinary tract after repeated episodes of “blocking.” This blocking of the urethra is caused by crystals, mucus, and inflammatory debris and is life-threatening. When the urethra is blocked, urine and pressure back up, which can cause severe damage to the kidneys. Some cats are prone to repeated episodes of blocking. The PU surgery allows for a modified urethra in which blocking is less likely. This procedure requires careful tissue handling and experience by the surgeon and attentive aftercare at home.
The conformation of the perineum in some female dogs makes them prone to recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). In these females, excessive skin partially or completely hangs over the vulva, leading to a damp, dark place where bacteria and yeast thrive. This condition is called a recessed vulva. Many dogs with recessed vulvas are overweight. A vulvoplasty involves the careful removal of skin over the vulva, allowing it to be more exposed and in a more natural position. Many females’ frequent UTIs disappear after a properly-executed vulvoplasty.
Disease and decreased bile flow, among other factors, can lead to an accumulation of very thick bile over time. This leads to the formation of a biliary mucocele. Dr. Bradberry is experienced in safely removing the gall bladder in these patients.
A salivary mucocele is a collection of saliva that has leaked from a damaged salivary gland resulting in inflammation and hardening of the surrounding tissue. Often, the cause of salivary mucoceles is unknown but can sometimes be attributed to trauma near the salivary gland. The affected salivary gland is removed entirely in a very careful surgery.